Friday, October 29, 2010

more food...

Sorry for the ongoing food porn, but part of my day was spent shopping at Marché d'Aligres and Monoprix, eating, and then trying to walk enough to burn off all the calories.

Then I went to Gibert Jeune booksellers, one of the rare times I go to the rive gauche (the Fisherman's Wharf of Paris). I make this exception because there's so many fabulous books in that building, mostly at great prices, that I want to take the bookstore with me. I settled on only a few purchases, most notably, "Fahrenheit 451" in bandes dessinnées. Then, to avoid the crush in the awful St. Michel metro station, I walked to République before hopping back on the metro again.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm always amazed... how much cheaper it is to buy food in Paris than it is in San Francisco. These groceries cost €27, and it includes a week's supply of coffee, 8 containers of yogurt, a package of smoked ham, veggies and tomatoes for a salad, several rolls of toilet paper, some Dijon mustard, some breakfast grains, a container of "gourmet" olives, milk, mineral water, and a bar of dark chocolate. This would probably cost $40-$45 in the USA, and might not be as good.