Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Idiocracy: Are we there, yet?

I don't know the name of this TV show and I've never seen it before tonight. It doesn't matter. But this evening I turned on my TV set for a few minutes and set it to a local channel.

A show was on that looked like it was a parody--or at least it could have been an outtake--from the movie "Idiocracy." This is a must-see dystopian movie that takes place in the future, where people are so dumbed down they can barely form sentences and clearly can't read. They sit in front of massive TV screens with super-sized sports drinks and watch "entertainment" shows about people jumping around and getting injured--an endless source of amusement for them.

Anyway, what I saw was very similar to the favorite TV show in Idiocracy. Various people, mostly overweight and hardly athletic, attempted to jump and dive into dumb-looking objects or through muck that appeared to be mud or pudding, apparently hurting themselves in the process. I kept the show on long enough to grab my iPhone and take a few photos with closed-captioning turned on.

Below, you'll see four photos from the TV show I saw tonight, followed by a YouTube clip that depicts the popular TV show from "Idiocracy" that seems eerily similar.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


No, I'm not referring to the suburbs north of San Francisco. This is a short, animated film made in France by three directors: Alexandre Bernard, Damien Laurent, and Pierre Pages. There's a gallery of stills from it that you can look at after you see the film. It's really very well done, and a sweet story. I saw a link to it on a blog this morning and thought I'd share it, too.

Marin from Marin ShortFILM on Vimeo.