Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Home Sweet Jackhammer

I live on a cul de sac. It should be a quiet street. But since about 2002, my neighborhood has been under siege by real-estate developers and property spinners, and it hasn't stopped, not even with the credit crunch, the recession, and the housing market doom and gloom.

At any given point, there are 4 to 5 projects going on within a half block from my apartment in either direction, and as soon as one ends, another one begins. As a result, my little street is one of the noisiest little blocks in the city. There's an enormous amount of commotion every day: from jackhammering.. to huge trucks driving backwards with their beepers on...to cement mixers... and back to jackhammering again.

The projects involve tearing down cottages and building huge McMansions, or taking existing cottages and lifting them up and building another floor below them, or leaving just one wall of the original cottage and building a McMansion around it, and so on. As each property owner finishes, the building goes up for sale (often it's been turned into two flats), and then new people move in and they must decide that they don't like the granite countertops or some such thing, and they begin to tear the places up again. The blue house in these photos is a case in point-- the new owners seem to be doing a sneaky remodeling and gutting project shortly after buying a newly remodeled bungalow.

Ironically, I moved here to live in peace and quiet and away from the chaos of other neighborhoods, and somehow the people who bought homes here cannot stand the quiet, so they've launched all this chaos. I'd love to hear birds chirping some day...before they tear down the remaining trees...

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