Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My genetic destiny...

Recently I had my cholesterol tested for the first time in about four years. I actually figured that it was just fine, and that I should just test it to confirm that. But to my surprise, it was higher than expected and higher than it should be. So I went to my doctor.

I like my doctor. I don't see her that often, but what I like about her is that she's not like most doctors -- she doesn't hand you pharmaceutical samples or give you prescription drugs without a real medical necessity, and she has a pretty good sense (usually) about the underlying cause of any affliction. She generally prescribes holistic practices like yoga and self-help things that make sense. So I figured it was OK to see her about the cholesterol.

As I expected, she talked to me about what the numbers really mean and how I was in a "watch" zone but not a critical one. She prescribed to me two things: a MUFA diet and an interval exercise regime. This was fine by me: I already ate (though not consistently) most of the foods in the MUFA plan, and I already go to the gym, but due to my workload and other pursuits, I'd been slacking off and also replacing some of my gym visits with red wine.

The problem is: I already live a much healthier lifestyle than most Americans. I seldom go places in my car -- I usually walk or take the bus. I don't eat much meat and I already don't eat gluten or fast food. I've gone to a gym for years, but not as diligently as I used to go. And although I'm not as pencil thin as I was when I was younger, I'm not overweight, either. So why is my cholesterol coming out so high? I guess it's my genetic destiny....

My father has many of the major afflictions that plague the modern world-- heart disease, diabetes, and now Alzheimer's. And I gambled that I would not end up like him because I don't live on bacon and hamburgers (like he did). I've made regular exercise a part of my life for years, plus I take herbal supplements, use both eastern and western medicine, and lead a different life--but now I'm beginning to wonder if my genetic destiny isn't catching up with me. After all, I know people who weigh much more than I do, eat worse than I do, and exercise less -- and their cholesterol is just fine!

Of course, in the meanwhile, I'm reading what I can about the subject and about diet and disease -- not for the first time, but again -- and last month, I started cutting the amount of sugar, wine, and cheese in my diet and started the MUFA regime more stringently. I also started going to the gym again--religiously--every other day. So far I've lost six pounds and I have a lot more energy. But what about my cholesterol? Stay tuned -- I think I'll check it again in about 2-3 months.

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