Saturday, August 25, 2007

dinner in Oberkampf

It got warm outside today. But only after I left the apartment in black pants, boots, a warm shirt, etc. so that I could spend the day suffering.

I met my friend Pascale and we went to a photography exhibit in the 7eme arrondissement.....I like the 7eme, after you get away from the tourist horror show in the 5eme and the 6eme...and go window shopping for the beautiful kitchen furnishings, furniture, etc. Here's a photo of yet another beloved Parisien establishment that's closed for ice cream parlor.

But soon, Pascale was complaining about the lack of tabacs (read: cigarettes) and we ventured back to the grittier environs of my neighborhood, where the density of smokers and tabacs are higher.

Then we had mojitos at Cafe Charbon on Oberkampf....always a good place for a cold drink....and later, dinner across the street at Justine. I'm including a photo of me for Jan Hanford, who always complains that I don't look at the camera when my photo is taken. This is for you, Jan.

On the way home, I finally took a snapshot of the ill-fated restaurant on the street around the corner from my flat. If any of you ever saw the TV series "Seinfeld," you might recall the episode about the doomed restaurant in the neighborhood that kept changing themes and owners, but never got customers. This place is the same thing. This year it's a Turkish restaurant. Last year it was Italian. The year before that, it was Lebanese. But most of the time, it's open and waiting for customers who never arrive.

And speaking of open. and waiting for might be wondering about my grocer. Yes, he's open and ready for business...

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