Friday, August 24, 2007

Does Anyone Need a Grocer?

Some of you might live in a town that needs an all-night grocery shop. If you do, let me suggest my neighborhood grocer. If you're in need of a nectarine in the middle of the night or have a craving for a 12-pack of beer or just some male bravado, this might be the ticket.

If you don't feel like a nectarine tonight, don't worry -- the same nectarines will be put out in front of the shop tomorrow. Or the next day. You'll have plenty of opportunities to buy one.

The shop is open for at least 18 hours per day or longer, but it becomes more animated as the night wears on. Here you can see in these two photos: the shop at midnight -- no action -- and again after 1 a.m., when the grocer's friends arrive with beer. Paris might be sleeping....but not my grocer!

Does YOUR town need an all-night grocery store?

1 comment:

Bexy said...

Again, I love it. The fresh produce at 3 a.m. can be really appealing! ha ha!