Saturday, August 25, 2007

still cold

It's 58 degrees here in Paris. I just washed one of my only two pair of long pants and some long-sleeved shirts, because I can't wear any of my summer clothes. They're hanging to dry in the bathroom....and in this climate, it takes two days for things to dry.

I tried to buy a pullover yesterday. However, everything I saw was skin tight, covered with shiny stuff or flowers, or otherwise completely unacceptable. Why are the women's clothes here always so awful? The fabric is always flimsy and scanty...I just want a neutral, loose pullover that I can wear over a shirt to stay warm. Doesn't anyone make them anymore ?

I'm also starting to come down sick. I've been dosing myself with Grapefruit Seed Extract and Yin Chiao for a couple of days now, but the terrible feeling in the back of my throat, and now my stomach, is starting to become more obvious. I hope I can shake this thing before I head for Zurich.

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