Saturday, August 25, 2007

I know you're wondering...

....what's going on with the grocer?

Well, the shop is open. But it's only midnight, so there's no party going on outside yet. On close inspection, it looks like at least six nectarines were sold since last night. But I can't verify that.

I'm looking forward to the arrival of the grocer's friends around 1 a.m. I'm sure there will be alcohol involved and lots of vigorous shouting. But luckily, there's a group of tourists in front of the hotel across the street who are talking noisily in the meanwhile, so when the volume level goes up, it won't be that jarring.

[update at 12:30 a.m.....and again at 1:30 a.m. here they are...the friends arrived!]

1 comment:

Bexy said...

I'm giggling... I know that you were oh so pleased to be able to hear their convos as you tried to sleep!