Friday, August 24, 2007

The Grocer

It's another cold and rainy day in Paris. I just looked at the weather....tomorrow, there's a double-whammy ahead: rain PLUS lightning. Oh boy! Can't wait.

Meanwhile, I haven't yet mentioned the current bane of my existence: the late-night grocery store across the street. This shop has been there every year that I've rented this apartment, and the proprietor always stays open late and is always noisy, but this year seems worse than most.

Nowhere else in Paris is there a little shop like this that stays open till 2 or 3 a.m....but three stories below me, opposite my bedroom window, I have The Grocer. He stands outside with the lights blazing till the wee hours of the morning, talking and laughing loudly with his friends. They all apparently have nothing better to do but to stand outside in front of his shop until 2 or 3 in the morning, as well. NO ONE seems to shop there, and no one in Paris probably needs a nectarine in the middle of the night on a weeknight, anyway. (If you need one, let me know, and I'll give you his address.)

I don't understand why the neighbors here don't stop him, or why the guests in the hotel across the street don't complain about this guy. The only thing I can imagine is that maybe he's part of some militant group and everyone knows that if you complain, there'll be a great big hole in the ground where your building used to stand. Can people call the police around here and complain about noise? What number would I call? What would I say? Anyway, it's noon and his shop is open again....I think the only day he's actually closed is Monday. Yay....something to look forward to.

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